TRAINING for Massachusetts (Communities east of Worcester, MA -map)
A training program of S.A.F.E. (Established 1994)
Your City/Town [BOH] enforces the following Mass DPH State Laws:
105 CMR 590.009: Special Requirements,
- (E) “Anti Choking Procedures for Food Service Establishments” Pursuant to M. G. L. c. 94, § 305D, each food service establishment having a seating capacity of 25 persons or more shall:
- (1) Have on its premises, while food is being served, an employee trained in, manual procedure approved by the Department to remove food lodged in a persons throat;
- The Department approves the procedure known as the Heimlich Maneuver and the sequence of obstructed airway maneuvers...
This is a 2 hour long course intended to teach the lay person how to recognize a choking victim; and to respond using Abdominal Thrusts (aka Heimlich Maneuver). Practical training is done with manikins. Recommended for restaurant employees, food service personnel or those working with high risk individuals. Upon completion of hands-on skills and written testing, participants receive a “Certificate of Attendance”. S.A.F.E. ChokeSaver Certificate is valid for 2 years.
For 2025 classes visit our Calendar
Contact us to HOST a ChokeSaver Class in your restaurant. Min 10 persons ($35 pp) required...
OR... book Now {1 month in advance} with min. 5 participants and allow 3-5 'walk-ins'.
Refer to RATES tab for more details
OR... book Now {1 month in advance} with min. 5 participants and allow 3-5 'walk-ins'.
Refer to RATES tab for more details
To register for a ChokeSaver Program please contact us at:
978-703-1113 or email [email protected]
978-703-1113 or email [email protected]